Stephen's Natural foods provide consultation and other facilities along the underutilized Fruit plants!!.
Facilities are as follows

1. Plants delivery will be given to your home or farm by Stephen's Natural Foods company

2. Pits to be checked before planting plants

3. Plants will be planted under the supervision of the Stephen's Natural Foods company's technical employee through farmer's labor or farmer .

4. If a plant get damaged or does not grow due to any unnatural reason, a new plants will be brought in replace of it which will not have any issues.

5. Technical staff from Stephen's Natural Foods company will come to your farm twice a month and check each plant and give important suggestions and and advice until your first crop comes in your hands , even after that time consultation will continue!!

6. Organic medicines which are useful in plants and farms will be prepared on the farmer's farm only to save the expenses of the farmer's input.

7. Along with plants and farms, other crops planted in your farm will also be consulted and suggested

8. Stephen's Natural Foods company will Link farmer with a buyers of underutilized fruits.

9. Best Underutilized Fruits has potential market and return; Dwarf guava, Fig fruits, Custard apple, Giant pomegranate, soursop, persimmon fuyu, malar chestnut and kefir lime. For macam pears varieties will be only grown Highlands.